After sending his soul to the third heaven, Rancho Shampoo died behind the cosmos after visiting his Rayovac ancestors. But his purpose did not end there as Rancho Shampoo returned to earth to reunite with Indian Dub Orchestra in the netherworld. Together they crossed the 12th doors, one door per each hour of the night,…
Tag: ancestros rayovac
STA082 | Rancho Shampoo | Alberca de Lava
“There is no death, only a change of worlds” says Rancho Shampoo, whose new Alberca de Lava (Lava Pool) EP is a step beyond his 2013’s debut, El Vuelo Del Golondrino. The moody and atmospheric Alberca De Lava juxtaposes the trippy tribal sounds of his first outing with the Indian Gold Orchestra to a more…